- Mass Times
- Confessions
- Adoration Times
Mass times are as follows: Monday to Friday 9am mass only. Saturday 9am and Vigil masses at 5.30pm. Sunday 9.30am, 11.00am and 12.30pm. There is no Sunday evening mass. The church will remain open for private prayer after 9am mass (or after funeral masses) until 5.00pm Monday to Friday. On Saturdays it will remain until after 5.30pm mass. It will close on Sundays after 12.30pm mass.
The 9.00am mass is now recorded so that you can watch it at any time during the day for your own personal time of prayer and reflection. Go to Crumlin Parish Website and under Watch Live, you’ll find “recordings”: just press on the date of recorded masses and it should play for you.
Confessions will be heard
After 9.00am Mass on Saturdays
from 5.00pm to 5.20pm on Saturdays
and anytime on request
Spend time in silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Please see newsletter for
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament times
Divine Mercy Prayers
main altar Wednesday and Friday 3 – 4pm.
There are no upcoming events.
Contact Us
St Agnes Church, St Agnes Road
Sacristy 01 4555383
Parish Office 01 4555368
info@crumlinparish.ie (General)
website@crumlinparish.ie (Web-Site)
newsletter@crumlinparish.ie (Newsletter)
Recent Deaths
We appreciate your support at all times. Despite the financial challenges facing many, if any parishioner is able at this time to make a contribution to the different collections, you may do so through this new donate facility. We thank you sincerely for your donations to our Parish the Family Envelope Fund (Main source of income for the running of the Parish); the Christmas and Easter Dues and to the First and Second Collections (the First Collection, along with the Dues goes to the Diocesan Common Fund for the salary of Priests; the Second Collection (SHARE) is for the poorer Parishes and for the support of Pastoral Initiatives in our Diocese. Be assured of the gratitude of myself and the Parish Finance Committee.
Registered Charity Number: 20016166
Thank you. Fr. Tony (tonyoshaugh@gmail.com)