Location and Contact Details
St Agnes Church is located on St Agnes Road, Crumlin
(eircodes: CHURCH D12 KC99, OFFICE D12 KV09 )
It is roughly half way between Crumlin Cross (Ashleaf Shopping Centre) and Crumlin Village, opposite the Garda Station.
Buses 150 and S4 pass the entrance.
Buses 83/83A (alight at St Agnes’ Park) Bus 9 (alight at Ashleaf Shopping Centre) is a 5 minute walk away.
There is a large (free) Car Park adjoining the church!
Sacristy 01 4555383
Parish Office 01 4555368 (Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 12.45pm and 2.15pm to 4.45pm. Friday 9.30am to 12.45pm only)
info@crumlinparish.ie (General)
website@crumlinparish.ie (Web-Site)
newsletter@crumlinparish.ie (Newsletter)