Parish Organisations
Order of Malta – Crumlin Unit
website: www.orderofmalta/crumlin
Meetings: Tuesday evenings in St Agnes Parish Centre 6.30pm (Juniors/Cadets); 8.00 pm (Senior/Adult )
Keith Nolan - Order of Malta Ireland - Officer in charge - Crumlin Unit. If you would like to get involved in any of our activities please contact us c/o Parish Centre.
Saint Joseph’s Young Priests Society
A Society of Lay People who foster vocations.
Founded in Ireland by Mrs. Olivia Taaffe in 1895.
Approved by the Irish Bishops Conference.
Established here in St. Agnes' Parish to pray for vocations.
Please Support our efforts.
To find out more contact: 450 3421
Crumlin and District Active Retirement Association

Lorcan O’Toole DAY CENTRE

copies of "come here til I tell you" still available. Follow-up book in preparation!
A unique, wonderful 1916 commemoration (members and invited guests) took place in the Centre on 23rd March with music, song and stories (read by professional actors). Lunch included Dublin coddle. Nearly everyone wore the clothes of the period. Much of this event is recorded on DVD.
Citizens Information Centre
Now available in Crumlin Hospital, Tuesdays & Thursdays - 9.30am to 1.30pm. There you will find an Information Officer to help you with your queries & problems.
Also available at Sundrive Road office . . . . The Service is Free!
Dublin 12 Domestic Violence Service
Helpline 456 3126 (9.30 am to 1.30 pm Mon - Fri)
Nearest Centre: Crumlin Garda Station 6666200
Seniors Support & Information Helpline
Dublin 12 Seniors Support & Information Helpline:
101 Cashel Rd
Tel. 456 3119 or 456 3259
Dublin 12 Women’s Action Group
Mobile (Marie Mooney): 087 241 9204.
Fax: 01 405 9884.
Drop-In Centre Open: 9.30 - 3.00 each day.