St Agnes Parish Pastoral Council

St Agnes’ 3rd Parish Pastoral Council Members:

Fr Tony O’Shaughnessy
Fr Tom Clowe
Antoinette Doyle
Gerry Cully
John Graham
John Green (Chairperson)

We the people of St Agnes Parish by virtue of our Baptism, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, aspire to make God known through living the Gospel values.
A spirit of hospitality and welcome should mark our Parish.  We will recognise and respect the giftedness of everyone and through prayer and Liturgy invite people into a deeper relationship with God and one another.

The times ahead continue to be challenging for the Church within the Parish and in Ireland. .

If any parishioner wishes to raise any item please write to the Chairperson of the Parish Council c/o the Parish Office.

We are always anxious to keep in contact with our parishioners and we are happy to hear from them on any issue.

Fr. Tony O’Shaughnessy